How is Ferring Country Centre going to make my visit safe?

The safety of our Staff, Day Service Customers, Visitors, and Animals remains our top priority. We have reviewed all our operations to ensure that we are maximising safety across the site. These changes include the following:

We will restrict the number of visitors allowed on site per day to ensure that everyone is able to safely social distance across our site.

To avoid disappointment, we advise pre booking  your tickets advance through our website.

Face coverings are not compulsory for visitors. However, you are welcome to wear them.

Our team have increased our cleaning schedule throughout the day across our site.

In our toilet facilities, we ask our visitors to abide by the 2 metre social distancing. If cubicles are full, please queue outside. We ask visitors to remember to wash hands before and after using toilet facilities. A member of our team will regularly be checking facilities at the centre, ensuring they are clean and soap dispensers are full.

We ask that we all work together to follow social distancing at Ferring Country Centre. We politely remind our visitors to keep 2 metres away from visitors from other households.

If you are not feeling well with any of the symptoms of Covid-19, these include fever, dry cough, loss of taste or smell, please do not visit our Centre. Stay at home and follow government and NHS 111 advice.

I have an annual membership/adopter's day pass/pre-paid admission ticket why do I need to pre-book?

Following government advice, we need to restrict the number of visitors to Dales Farm in a day. Annual Pass holders will be able to select a free timeslot through our online booking system. Please email [email protected] for your unique code.

No visitors, including Annual pass holders will be able to visit Dales farm, if they have not pre-booked an online ticket.

Will I be able to pay for items with cash?

We please ask you to pay for food and drink, as well as items from our Garden Centre with contactless payment, if you can. If not, we will have a till that will be available to accept cash.